michelle's blog
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November 21, 2021
4 Min. Read
Upper body workouts are crucial in helping you lose the weight in your upper body as well as improve strength, which is where most of the "problem" areas are for many women.
October 14, 2020
4 Min. Read
Have you ever gone from, “I am winning this thing they called life!” to “I don’t want to face another day-I can’t do this!”
October 7, 2020
5 Min. Read
A lot of what we do with our online fitness classes comes from motivation-intrinsic or extrinsic! How do we find the motivation to get up workout and master our daily routine?
October 5, 2020
9 Min. Read
Part 1: My childhood
So growing up, I was the active kid, but, it’s safe to say that I was not, you know, the smallest kid and I did struggle with weight. I grew up in a home where my mom went to Weight Watchers and watched what she ate all the time. I think I was five years old when I entered Weight Watchers. I wasn’t going for myself. I was just a tag a long for my mom. Growing up, I knew exactly what it meant to count points, to get badges for weight loss, watch the number on the scale and I think it kind of shaped who I am today.